Foundation Certification Course in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Learning Objectives
Machine learning isn’t just useful for predictive texting or smartphone voice recognition.
Learn Artificial intelligence with Machine Learning and deep learning with Hands-On Examples
Machine Learning Terminology, machine learning a-z
What is Machine Learning?
Evaluation Metrics for Python machine learning, Python Deep learning
Supervised Learning and unsupervised learning, transfer learning, ai, artificial intelligence programming
Machine Learning with SciKit Learn
Python, python machine learning and deep learning
Machine Learning, machine learning A-Z
Deep Learning, Deep learning a-z
Machine learning is constantly being applied to new industries and new problems. Whether you’re a marketer, video game designer, or programmer
Machine learning describes systems that make predictions using a model trained on real-world data.
Machine learning is being applied to virtually every field today. That includes medical diagnoses, facial recognition, weather forecasts, image processing
It's possible to use machine learning without coding, but building new systems generally requires code.
Material Includes
- Live Lecture
- Recorded Video
- Quiz
- Determination to learn artificial intelligence and patience
- Desire to master on python, machine learning a-z, deep learning a-z
- Motivation to learn the the second largest number of job postings relative program language among all others
- Learn to create Machine Learning and Deep Algorithms in Python Code templates included.
- Desire to learn artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning methods, supervised learning
Target Audience
- Desire to learn history of machine learning, ai, artificial learning
- Desire to learn fundamentals of machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, ai, tensorflow